Study Groups

From time to time members join to form groups centered around a particular skill or technique and meet regularly (or irregularly) with the goal of exploring, learning, and enjoying each other’s expertise.

The contact information for the lead in each group is listed both in the yearbook as well as on the website. (If you are a study group lead and need the information changed in the below groups, or a new group needs to be added, please send an email to: The website can make changes throughout the year while the yearbook can’t.)

The groups form and disband as members express interest.  The current groups are:

Spinning Group

When: This group currently meets the second and fourth Friday of the month at 10am to 2:00pm.

Where: In person or with zoom option.

What they do: Spin together, share knowledge, share results.

General: The group welcomes new members. If you think you are interested, please contact Barbara Dahne. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.)

Saturday Morning Group

When: The group meeting is from 9:30 to noon on the 2nd Saturday of every month.

Where: Members meet in each other’s homes if possible. Occasionally field trips are planned. Zoom is sometimes used as appropriate.

What to bring: Bring show and share creations and or items of interest to the group. If a group project is in process, share your progress, experiences, or other items as appropriate.

What they do: Study various aspects of weaving, sometimes taking on long term studies or group projects.

General: The Group welcomes new members. Contact person for information is Linda Eschels. Mimi Aherne is the Zoom coordinator. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members).

Basketry Group

When: First Monday of the month, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Where: Online via Zoom

What to bring: A project you’re working on and materials, and your lunch.

What they do: This group often works on individual projects, or may be exploring a particular technique or project together.

General: This group also welcomes new members and is happy to introduce individuals to the techniques involved in basketmaking. It is a small group with a range of experience. If you are interested, please contact either Jan Green. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.)

If you are looking for a basketry guild, try the Vi Phillips Guild in Seattle or the Columbia Basin Basketry Guild in Portland.

Beginning Weavers Class

When: The Guild is currently offering a Beginning Weaving class on a “as-needed” basis. 
Where: Classes will be in person.
What to bring: Participants will need a 4 shaft table loom with 10 dent reed, shuttles, warping board, sley hook and yarn.  Looms  are available for rental from the guild and some tools may be available for loan.
A supply list and complete instructions will be provided to participants upon receipt of payment for the class.
What the course covers: Participants will learn how to dress a loom, and weave two projects. Sessions will also include discussions regarding yarn selection, weaving equipment and finishing techniques.
General: The group welcomes new members. Joan Hoffmeyer is the contact person. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.)

Jane Stafford Study Group

When: First Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This group will not be meeting during the months of July, August or September,  but will resume in October 2022.

Where: Online via Zoom

What to bring: Samples of your JST lessons and any other projects you want to share.

What they do: We are a gathering space for weavers of all levels, to ask questions, share resource discoveries and discuss our projects. We are all learning weavers and are excited to explore new ideas and techniques with other like-minded weavers! We will share books, ideas, yarns, experiences, things we’ve learned and provide general support as we all learn and share together.

General: The group welcomes new members. Joan Hoffmeyer is the contact person. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.)

Daytime Weavers

When: Monthly, on the Thursday after the Guild meeting from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Where: Online via Zoom, by invitation. Email Carrie Seachord if you wish to join them. (Contact information is the the yearbook and available to all members.)

What to Bring: Projects you are working on, questions about weaving techniques, books or patterns to discuss. If you wish, you can send pictures or files or even a PowerPoint presentation (by email to Carrie) that you wish to talk about and we will display them for you to present.

What They Do: We discuss ongoing projects and new ideas, old techniques (or new!) and sudden discoveries, including hidden assets of being a Guild member.

General: This group welcomes new members and “drop-ins” Carrie Seachord is the contact person. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.)


When: To be arranged. Contact Gail Trotter to be placed on group mailing list to find out next events.

Where: As arranged.

What to Bring: Bandaids, fiber and other materials and/or tools for felting.  If you do not have tools or fiber come and the group has a shared box for many techniques.

What They Do: This group often works on individual projects, or may be exploring a particular technique or project together. They share what they have learned felting or about life in general.

General: All are welcome to attend. Contact Gail Trotter for details on date, location and technique being studied. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.) This group was formed in 2016 to enjoy the process of interlocking fiber into delightful creations and the simple joys felting brings.

Bateman Weavers

When: No scheduled meetings at this time.

Where: To be determined.

What to bring:

What they do:

General: The group welcomes new members. Bill Green is the contact person. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.)

Natural Dyeing

WhenTo be arranged. Contact Gail Trotter to be placed on group mailing list to find out next events.

Where: As arranged.

What to Bring: Bandaids, fiber and other materials and/or tools for felting.  If you do not have tools or fiber come and the group has a shared box for many techniques.

What They Do: This group often works on individual projects, or may be exploring a particular technique or project together. They share what they have learned felting or about life in general.

General: All are welcome to attend. Contact Gail Trotter for details on date, location and technique being studied. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.) This group was formed in 2016 to enjoy the process of interlocking fiber into delightful creations and the simple joys felting brings.


Surface Design

WhenTo be arranged. Contact Diane Weeden to be placed on group mailing list to find out next events.

Where: As arranged. 

What to Bring: Finished or current projects and any supplies that were sent out in email about event. 

What They Do: This group often works on individual projects, or may be exploring a particular technique or project together. They share what they have learned surface design or about life in general.

General: All are welcome to attend. Contact Diane Weeden for details on date, location and technique being studied. (Contact information is in the yearbook and available to all members.) This group was formed in 2022 to enjoy the process of embellishment or augmenting fiber products or found objects.
