We look forward to getting to know you and learning about
your fiber arts interests.

To help you settle into the guild, here are a few optional things you can do at the next meeting you attend;
Say “Hi” to the folks around you and find out what hobbies you have in common.
Have your picture taken for the yearbook. The yearbook is how we share contact information with each other. Be sure to collect the current year’s yearbook. It’s a great way to remember and connect with those you’ve met at the meetings.
Submit something fiber-related to show during the Showcase portion of the meeting. Be sure to include the details for your item. There is a raffle held with a prize at the end of the year June meeting.

Regular Guild Meetings are usually on the third Friday of the month. Please check the calendar for any exceptions.
The OWG Monthly Meeting begins promptly at 10:00 am with doors opening at 9:30 am. There is a morning break and a time for Showcase (members show, and discuss projects). Each month we also try to have a program with information of interest to our group.
Join our Saturday group. It is a crafting gathering for those who work on Fridays.
Get the Yearbook. It provides member information and photos, meeting locations and times, program/workshop/events dates and topics, officers and committee chairs, annual show and sale guidelines, a list of the study groups, and advertisers.
The OWG Library is available to borrow books, magazine and videos. It is open the Saturday following the Friday Guild meeting. See Calendar for time and the yearbook for location.
Apply for a Grant. Grants are available to members for Community Outreach, Enrichment and Education.
Attend an exciting Workshop. You will meet new teachers, share knowledge and learn new techniques.

Various weaving and spinning Equipment are available to rent, including table looms for the Beginning Weaving classes and Workshops.
Join a Study Group or several. These smaller groups meet periodically on a variety of fiber topics. They are a great way to get to know people and to do some hands-on creating. See the yearbook or website for further information.
We would love to have every member in the Yearbook. To be in the yearbook, you will need to pay your membership dues by June 30th. It is published in September for the current fiscal year.
Review the Website https://olympiaweaversguild.org/. Be sure to check out Policy and Procedure, Forms, Study Groups, Roster of Officers and Chairs, Blog, Links, Etc.
Assist the Education and Outreach committee by demonstrating fiber arts at schools and other events. Participate at our booth at the county fair or the Sheep to Shawl and Four by Four, at the state fair. Enter your own creations at both.

Attend a Beginning Weavers class. Learn how to measure your warp, dress a loom and weave a sampler.
Volunteer to work with a committee, be a committee chair or run for an office after one year of membership.

Create fiber art items to sell in the annual Show and Sale, in December.
OWG – Olympia Weavers Guild
ANWG – Association or Northwest Weavers Guild
NwRSA – Northwest Regional Spinners Association
HGA – Handweavers Guild of America
Four by Four – Four people for four hours, demonstrating fiber arts, at the State Fair
Sheep to Shawl – An inter-group contest that takes the weft material from fiber to shawl in one day, at the State Fair
Show and Sale – The OWG’s annual sale for members to sell their creations at