Sarah Swett Tapestry Exhibition in OR

I was just told of a great exhibit not too far from here…a great field trip. Sarah Swett, who does such great tapestries,  has her work on display at the Latimer Textile Museum in Tillamook OR but only until July 1! It’s summer; it is a great trip to the Oregon coastline with a super textile adventure added on, so if you can….take advantage!  Google Tillamook Textile Museum to get the details,

or click here->

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About Lana Schneider

I began weaving and spinning in 1986 in SoCal and it quickly became a lifelong challenge and compulsion. I brought my interests and skills to the NW in 1992 and have been teaching, encouraging and challenging new fiber artists as often as I can. And I am challenged and encouraged every time I am around other weavers/spinners/fiber folk.