OWG 2015 Sheep to Shawl entry.
Trees — summer and winter pattern
Miniature book ornaments with handmade paper
Oak leave and gall dyeing
Oak dyed fiber
Handspun alpaca woven scarf
Pine needle basket
Pine needle and turned wood pincushion
Rose Fiber, spun and raw. Yes, it is a cellulose fiber made from rose bushes
Sazunami Gumi (chevron braiding)
Miniature book
Ravenstail plaiting
prayer flags, with painted dragonfy motif
Striped cotton kitchen towels
Pine needle basket country Christmas
Carved Gourd ornaments
Pine needle baskets
Gourd carving
Fiber and yarn samples.
Gourd carving and embellishment.
Hats made from handwoven ends and “mistakes”
Quilted table runner