Here is a list:

8 sk, 100 gm each, 120/2 Natural silk (Treenway)
9 sk, 100 gm each, 60/2 Natural silk (Treenway)
3 sk, 50 gm each, dyed (Dk Green, Magenta, Dk lavendar)
60/2 silk (Treenway)

I also have 5 1/2 sk white silk cord, Size about 16/2 (not marked) and weight is a guess, maybe 1/2 pound. (Purchased in China)

Price is on most of these to total of $375. I am asking $200 for all or make me an offer. Will sell separate if I must.

Call Diane at 253-267-5760, or email:

Canvas Works

We received clarification from Canvas Works in Olympia:

“It has been brought to our attention that an announcement was made at today’s guild meeting that Canvas Works was closing. I can assure you that this is not correct as Canvas Works is not closing and will continue business as usual. It would be appreciated if this information could be passed on to your membership. Thank you,

— Nancy Graybeal”

One of  our members may have confused the Seattle Weaving Works closing announcement with the long-established downtown yarn shop in Olympia.

Bead weaving classes

In February Teresa Sullivan did a presentation on art and her bead work. Some of the items she showed us she is teaching at Shipwreck one of the guilds advertisers. A couple of weeks ago a few of us took her class on making pods. She has good instructions and was very helpful in keeping us on track in learning the techniques of 3 dimensional beading. The variations on increasing and decreasing promises many different looks. June 13th she is teaching the Zig Zag bead which makes an interesting component and could complement braid work. For more information on the class see: