About Larye

New weaver and amateur loom mechanic. 50-year career in information technology, now self-employed and semi-retired: specialize in Unix systems administration, web site development, and bioinformatics applications programming. Other interests include bicycle touring, aircraft construction, and quilting. Married to weaver/spinner/quilter/cyclist Judy.

Whatcom Weavers Guild Annual Show

[forwarded from Pat Fisher, Whatcom Weavers]

Hi fellow weavers and spinners! It’s that time of the year – time for great shows to share our love of all things fiber art.
I have attached the poster for the Whatcom Weavers Guild annual Fibers & Beyond Show and Sale, which is on October 12th and 13th, at Fox Hall in Bellingham. Details to find us are on the poster. Please print, post, email to your members, include in your newsletter or website – we welcome all our visiting fiber enthusiasts.
This year, we have expanded our offering to include arts and crafts by our spouses – those long–suffering folks who help us set up, take down and generally carry around all our equipment. Come see what they have to offer!
Looking forward to seeing you.
Pat Fisher
Publicity Chair, Fibers & Beyond Show
Whatcom Weavers Guild

Twists and Turns and Stitches: Explorations in Coiling

July 28, 2012 10AM – 4PM
Sweetwater Creek Farm Studio
Whidbey Island, WA
(Studio is located 10 minutes from the Clinton Ferry)
Instructor: Marilyn Moore
All weaving levels: The variations used in coiling are endless. This workshop explores many of them including wrapping and turning the coil to produce interesting shaping effects. In this class students will also learn three coiling stitches, the figure 8 stitch, the lazy stitch and mariposa stitch. Using at least three colors of waxed linen, and polished hemp for the core, the beauty and secrets of coiled shaping are delved into. The cost is $85. plus a $55. materials fee. To register for this workshop, please  email us at: sandymwhitng@gmail.com
(contributed by Heather Pope)

New Moon Alpacas Shearing

New Moon Alpacas in Elma will be shearing on Monday and Tuesday (June 18,19) and have invited folks who are interested in the fleece to observe or help and have lunch…contact Allison for more information…. (see website at New Moon Alpacas)

(information courtesy of OWG member Judy Parkins and Kathie Adams, a Montesano spinner and knitter)

Downloading PDF Files

Several members have had trouble downloading PDFs from the web site–in particular, the newsletters, which are quite large and normally take a minute or so to download, depending on the internet connection speed. But, sometimes, the download does not complete no matter how long we wait.

This is a browser issue that may be caused by clicking on the link too many times without waiting for a big document to load completely, or an unreliable Internet connection. This causes a partial copy to be “stuck” in the browser cache (a disk folder where pages and files are saved so they are only downloaded once): if the copy is “broken,” clicking on the link again tries to read the broken copy from disk instead of trying to reload from the web site. To fix this, it is necessary to first clear the cache. This may make other pages you visit often load more slowly the next time you access them, especially if they have a lot of images on them, but it will also force reload of the broken files.

In Firefox, this can be corrected by selecting File->Preferences->Advanced and click on “Clear Now” next to the “Cached Content” label.

In Chromium, click on the wrench icon, select Settings->Under the Hood and click on “Clear Browsing Data”

In Safari, click on “Safari” in the tool bar, then select “Empty Cache” in the pull-down menu.

I don’t use Microsoft Internet Explorer, and don’t recommend it, but you can see a detailed procedure for your version of MSIE at http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser’s Cache”. The procedure varies depending on your version, which should be 7, 8, or 9.

If you have a DSL internet connection, clearing the cache does not work, and web sites in general are loading slowly, the problem could be caused by circuit overloads at your provider or noisy phone lines that cause transfers to be interrupted frequently. Wait until early morning, when there are fewer users on the network, then clear the cache and try again. If you have dialup, downloads will be much slower at all times and may take several minutes: be patient and do not click on the link multiple times while it is loading.

Important announcement regarding Annual Dues

Dues may be paid at the May meeting or the June Picnic.

Dues are deliquent after June 30th. Your name and information will not be in the Year Book. (no phone calls to remind you)

Each person paying dues needs to fill out COMPLETELY the Application Form.

At the last meeting, the weavers voted to continue listing equipment and areas of expertise. In order to update our Year Book, we need you to complete the form (not “same as last year”) Only that information will be used to update.

Thank you for paying your dues on time.

Membership Chairman

A New Online Look for Olympia Weavers Guild

In the 21st Century, an on-line presence is vital to every organization, to help members and others find current information. The Olympia Weavers Guild (OWG) is no different. For several years, OWG has had a custom web site, with a simple content management system to enable the web committee-person to change or add certain information on certain pages, with the system taking care of a lot of the formatting issues.

Unfortunately, such a custom system has a fixed number of pages with a lot of fixed data on them, requiring the services of a web programmer to make any major changes. For this reason, many organizations have all but abandoned their traditional web sites in favor of using a social networking site like Facebook for dynamic data. Facebook, however, has some drawbacks obvious to anyone who uses it to keep track of friends and relatives that makes it unsuitable for running a business or organization.

But, in recent years, a class of commercial and open source content management systems have become available that allow anyone who can use a word processor to edit every page on a site and add new pages as needed. Some of the automated formatting features of a custom content manager are no longer available, but there are other features that are very useful. In addition to nearly unlimited freedom in content (and style as well, if the services of a web designer or programmer are retained, or one of the hundreds of freely or commercially-available “themes” is acceptable), the popularity of these systems has been due to the blogging feature included in some of them. A blog (short for “web log,” a type of diary or journal) allows the site owners, members, or subscribers to post essays, including photos and other media, and for responses or comments to be posted by other members and subscribers (or, if you are brave, the general public, which includes off-shore knock-off shoe and handbag factories as well as other types of spammers who are trying to drive up traffic to their sites by getting their name on yours). But, the latter issues are controllable through privacy and policy settings.

OWG has converted their web site to run under WordPress, one of the most popular of the new systems. Many individuals have blogs hosted on http://wordpress.org, but the WordPress software is freely available for anyone to run on their own web domain, and can host a traditional web site as well as support extensive blogging abilities. This move was instigated by the need to make a few changes to the old web site that weren’t included in the content management framework of the old site, but offers the ability to add more pages and photo galleries, including private areas accessible only to members, and the option for each member to contribute their own articles through the blogging feature.

In the near future, all guild members who want one will be given a subscriber account on this system, which can be upgraded to “author” for those who wish to post their own articles in the blog. Members can still contribute photos, event schedules, and news items to be posted on the public pages, by emailing them to the web editor.

We hope you enjoy the new look. [Helpful] feedback and suggestions welcome.