Protected: OWG newsletter 3-2017
March Program
Weaving the Navajo Way will be presented by Lynda, Teller Pete and Barbara Teller Omelas, two sisters who are 5th generation Navajo weavers from the Newcomb and Two Grey Hills area on the Navajo Nation. For more on these two sisters and their weaving see:
CALL FOR ENTRY – HGA’s Small Expressions Exhibit
Small Expressions is an annual, international, juried exhibit sponsored by the Handweavers Guild of America, Inc. (HGA) to showcase contemporary small scale works created using fiber techniques in any media, not to exceed 15 inches (38 cm) in any direction including mounting, framing, or display devices. Juried by Mary Ruth Smith, a Professor at Art at Baylor University, the exhibit will be heldMay 26 – July 29, 2017 at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft in Houston, Texas, USA.
Entry fees are $32 for HGA Members (Join Now) and $47 for Non-Members. Students attending an accredited educational institution may enter with no fee.
Protected: OWG newsletter 2-17
February 17th Program – Teresa Sullivan, bead weaver
Olympia bead weaver, Teresa Sullivan, is the Olympia Weavers Guild featured speaker February 17th. She will discuss the status of craft within the art world and share her artwork and it’s influences with a Trunk Show.
Teresa Sullivan creates intricate and monumental sculptural jewelry from humble materials using the ancient technique of bead weaving, revealing her love of the surreal and the irreverent. The stories she tells in her beaded tapestries, jewelry and sculpture are about the power of people discovering their abilities; from super heroines of comics and science fiction to the real mentors of her life. The tiny beads are transformed from something delicate to bold dense, self supporting artworks. — Teresa Sullivan
For more on Teresa Sullivan’s work see:
Protected: OWG newsletter – 1/2017
Protected: OWG newsletter-12/16
Show and Sale 2016
This gallery contains 13 photos.
Thanks to all the artists, volunteers, and attendees who made the 2016 Show and Sale a huge success. Below are some of the 2000 items our members made and displayed this year.