HGA Welcomes you to Convergence® 2016 Milwaukee
July 30 – August 6, 2016
General Registration Opens Tuesday, December 15th
Click http://www.weavespindye.org/convergence for more information and to register.
HGA Announcement:
Welcome to the ultimate international fiber art experience, HGA’s Convergence® conference where you can meet people face to face and touch real cloth, not just exchange texts or look at images. Immerse yourself in the inspiration and stimulation of exhibits, classes, textile tours, and shopping – all in the vibrant arts community of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Registration opens tomorrow, Tuesday, December 15th at 9:00 AM EST. On our website you will find a listing of Convergence® Sessions, Tours and Special Events along with a PDF of the Delegate Registration Book and Registration Form.
Convergence® events and activities are open to the general public, however an HGA Membership is required to register for Sessions. To review your membership, login to your Online Account. Please note that our system has changed recently, and if you have not created an account since September then you will need to do so. Memhttp://www.weavespindye.org/convergencebers must login to receive the member price on the Convergence© Value Package (CVP).
Registration is taken on a first-come, first served basis, and Fiber Trust members who have given a financial gift of $100 or more in 2015 qualify for Priority Registration and can register today. Join the Fiber Trust online or call (678) 730-0010.
Thank you for supporting HGA. We look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee, July 30 – August 6, 2016!
Handweavers Guild of America
The Handweavers Guild of America’s mission is to educate, support and inspire the fiber art community..