Textiles & Tea

April 18, 2023  |  Brenda Osborn

Brenda Osborn has been weaving for more than 45 years since she took a college semester class in 1976. In the late 1990s, she turned her attention to tapestry weaving, and shortly afterward she joined the Wednesday Group, whose members were devoted tapestry weavers, led by Archie Brennan and Susan Martin Maffei. Brenda collaborated with Archie Brennan over the course of more than a decade to document his life and work in a book that was released in 2022 by Schiffer Publishing. In the 1990s Brenda began to make kumihimo on both the marudai and takadai, under the tutelage of Rodrick Owen. Her current tapestry work combines traditional Gobelins tapestry techniques with kumihimo. Brenda has participated in numerous exhibitions in the U.S. and in northern Europe and has received numerous awards. Brenda has taught weaving and given programs to guilds in the New York/New Jersey area and southern New England, and she has taught ongoing classes at local fine craft schools in Connecticut.  She has maintained a blog about fiber arts for more than a decade.


Posted in HGA

Seattle Art Museum’s (SAM) exhibition Ikat: A World of Compelling Cloth

Seattle Weavers’ Guild member Marilyn Romatka has been invited to present her Program on the production of Uzbek ikat cloth at the Seattle Arts Museum in conjunction with their current exhibition Ikat: A World of Compelling Cloth. This will be  similar to the Program Marilyn has given in the past to the Olympia Weavers Guild, but new-and-improved to speak to the general non-weaving public, about the amazing process of getting this  exceptional cloth from plain white threads.

Members are encouraged to invite even non-weaving friends and family to the talk, and to enjoy the exhibition that same day. It is truly something to see!

This presentation will be free of charge in order to educate as many museum visitors as possible and will be first come, first served seating.

From the SAM Calendar:

          Explore more of SAM’s Ikat: A World of Compelling Cloth and travel to Central Asia in this multi-media presentation.   Travel back to Uzbekistan with Marilyn Romatka to watch the process of  ikat production from silk worm to final garment. Learn how each thread manipulated, dyed, and woven into exquisite cloth – truly hand-crafted. 

Marilyn Romatka’s focus is living folk art crafts. She teaches a wide variety of topics, from painting techniques to weaving, the common thread being the techniques are all deep-rooted in cultures from around the world.

·         Event Date: Sunday, 4/30

·         Time: 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. 

·         Location: Plestcheeff Auditorium (south hall)

·         Cost: Free to the public.

·         Seating is first come, first served. If you require additional ADA accommodations, please contact our customer service team at CustomerService@SeattleArtMuseum.org or 206-654-3210.  Please submit requests with as much advanced notice as possible.

HGA’s Small Expressions 2022 Touring Exhibit

If you are traveling to or thru Los Angeles, CA  between April 22 and June 3, 2023, be sure to plan to see HGA’s Small Expressions 2022 Touring Exhibit whose final stop will be at Studio 203 in Los Angeles, California.

Small Expressions is an annual juried exhibition showcasing contemporary small-scale works (not to exceed 15 inches in any direction) using fiber techniques in any media. Small in scale but visually compelling, HGA’s Small Expressions exhibit features work that speaks to the intricacy of expression, intimacy of design, thoughtful communication, and visual excitement. The artists in this exhibit create a big impact through small pieces.

 Exhibition hours: Open by appointment only. Admission to Small Expressions is free. Studio 203 is located at 3440 Motor Ave., Suite 203 in Los Angeles, California. For parking and directions visit their website, TheStudio203.org, or call (310) 845-6378.

Posted in HGA

2023 Filaments Traveling Show

The Weaving Guilds of Oregon have announced their 2023 Filaments Traveling Show. Click here  to see pictures of the entries, as well as the schedule of dates, times and cities this show will be stopping in. This looks like a worthy road trip for sure!!! How can you go wrong with like minded people and beautiful woven pieces. What a great idea!!!

OWG Movie Night –  

The first Friday of each month at 6:30 PM will be a time to watch online videos, with a fiber focus, as a group and participate in a discussion of the topics afterward. Check the newsletter for the next topic date and Zoom information. Invite your friends to join us. Want a special fiber artist or technique to view contact Gail, getrotter@comcast.net.

Shepherds Extravaganza

Hello, Fellow Fiber Lovers!
I am so happy to say It’s almost time for one of our favorite events, the Shepherds’ Extravaganza at the Puyallup Spring Fair, April 20-29, 2023. I’m Heather Kibbey, your demonstration coordinator for the Extravaganza. I know you are all eager to get back to the good work we do demonstrating our crafts to the public.

Although the Spring Fair will be up and running 2 weekends, our event will take place over one weekend only, April 20-23. This year our event starts at 2 pm on Thursday April 20. We would like to have spinning, weaving, knitting, felting and other fiber arts being demonstrated throughout the Extravaganza. We will continue with hands-on activities for children this year (kumihimo, making bookmarks for the younger crowd, or any other activity you want to show them). We are looking for people who are willing to show the public how a particular fiber technique is done, and/or help kids do a little fibercrafting of their own. Please come and demonstrate your skill!! If you know of others that would be interested in demonstrating, please forward this information to them. Please share this message with your crafting guild. The demo area depends on a robust group of volunteer demonstrators!!

We will set up the area so that you can somewhat shelter inside the demo area if you so choose, but will also have the spinner’s circle outside the area if you choose to do that. Please bring your own mask if you wish to wear one.

Demonstrators and spinners will receive complimentary gate passes to the Spring Fair. Groups of tickets will not be issued. The Fair wants an accurate accounting of tickets used. This year is paid parking on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As far as I now know, the parking will be like last year, with certain lots free. I have no information at this time on which parking lots we will be allowed to use, but will send that info with the tickets when I receive them in a couple of weeks.

Demonstrations and spinning for the Extravaganza will be in J Barn. You will be asked to come for a three or four hour shift. Shifts will be 10 AM-2 PM: 2 PM-6 PM: 6 PM-9 PM. Only on Thursday 20th will shifts begin at 2 PM, and the last shift will end on Sunday night the 23rd at 6 PM.

Please respond to this email with the days and shifts you wish to volunteer. Also, PLEASE SEND ME YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, as I must mail you the tickets via US Postal Service when I receive them.

If you have questions, call Heather Kibbey at 253-478-6971, or email me at heatherjkibbey@gmail.com.

Other information on the Shepherds Extravaganza, such as classes, fleece entries, etc. may be found at:
“Shepherds Extravaganza.” https://shepherds-extravaganza.com/.

Warmest regards to all my fiber friends,

If you have questions, call Heather Kibbey at 253-478-6971, or email me at heatherjkibbey@gmail.com.